Personal Finance Specialists

What sort of Loan you are looking for?

Are you looking for a personal loan or a bad credit personal loan? Perhaps you are trying to get a personal loan after being a discharge bankrupt? If so then congratulations because you have come to the right place! Rescue Credit are a licensed credit provider and for over 5 years we have been helping Australian's just like you get back into the finance game by giving you a second chance. No doubt you have been declined by the banks over and over and with the personal loan lending rules getting tighter and tighter it's definitely getting harder to qualify for a personal loan through the banks.

Since the Global Financial Crisis the bank’s personal lending policies have changed, and not for the better. They wanted to increase the quality of their loan books and this caused a lot of ‘collateral damage’ because genuine people who could once qualify for a personal loan were now included amongst these new lending policies that now excluding these people because the banks considered them to be "high risk" loans.

Rescue Credit don’t just make a decision based on your credit score or credit file – we will consider your overall financial and lifestyle situation and if we can determine that you have the capacity to repay the personal loan without experiencing financial hardship and your discretionary spending is acceptable then you would likely qualify for a personal loan even if you have a low credit score, bad credit or are a discharged bankrupt.

We believe that everyone deserves a second chance and we are happy to help get you over the line and eventually back in with the banks, if that’s where you want to go.

You can read more about our discharged bankrupt personal loans on this page and we also recommend that you read more about how your credit file works and how it affects you.

Contact Details

Call Us
0425 10 60 47
By Post

Rescue Credit Pty Ltd

PO Box 160

Sebastopol VIC 3356
